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رئيس التحرير طارق شلتوت
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Co-Founder of Bosta, Launches TradeHub to Help 10,000 Egyptian Manufacturers Connect with Local and Global Traders by the End of 2024

The Egyptians startup, TradeHub, has launches its dedicated digital platform aimed at promoting exports, facilitating trade operations, and supporting local manufacturers in accessing local and global markets and traders.
TradeHub founded by Ahmed Gaber, who has previously succeeded in establishing startups such as “Bosta,” contributing to his inclusion in Forbes’ Under 30 Influencers list in the 2021 edition, and Ahmed Atef, the co-founder and former software engineer at Meta, who also played a role in founding Triplancer.
The plan for TradeHub is boosting export initiatives and enabling local manufacturers to expand into both local and global markets. The digital platform offers integrated solutions that completely transform the way manufacturers and buyers, including traders and project owners, communicate and collaborate.
Before establishing TradeHub, Ahmed Gaber and Ahmed Atef focused on understanding the challenges faced by manufacturers and buyers, discovering that manufacturers struggled to reach new buyers, while buyers faced the challenge of finding the right manufacturer.
Therefore, TradeHub works to showcase manufacturers in the local and global markets by providing factory pages where they can display their factory and product details through images. This makes it easier for potential buyers to search and discover local manufacturers. Additionally, the platform allows buyers to request price quotes, create tenders, and communicate with manufacturers through the available chat feature.
On this occasion, the founders expressed their excitement at launching the leading digital platform, stating, “It is our duty as entrepreneurs to find suitable solutions to address the significant challenges we observe within our community, with the most important currently being encouraging local products and promoting exports abroad.”
“Our passion for trade and manufacturing led us to discuss how this industry suffers from a lack of services. We noticed no significant change throughout this time, and traditional methods such as brokers and trade fairs remain the known ways for manufacturers to connect with buyers. We believe that our mission at TradeHub is to revolutionize trade operations, aiming to empower 10,000 manufacturing companies by the end of 2024, making trade smoother and easier for everyone”, They added.
So far, TradeHub platform is exclusively available to selected manufactueres, and the founders invite manufacturers and traders to join the waiting list by registering for the platform experience.

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