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رئيس التحرير طارق شلتوت
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“Winvestor Investment” Saudi-Egyptian partnership to launch real estate projects in the Egyptian market

· Youssef Al Harbi: The investment climate in Egypt

prompted us to launch various real estate projects


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· Hisham Ibrahim: We are studying to offer a different real estate product in New Administrative Capital

Winvestor Real Estate Investment and Development Company, an affiliated company of Saudi Al-Munawir LTD. Comp., in partnership with IMS for Development and Projects Management, is preparing to launch its experience in the Egyptian real estate market as part of its expansion plan in North African countries.
Youssef bin Suleiman bin Mohammed al-Harbi, Chairman of Winvestor Investment and Real Estate Development, said the company went to invest in the real estate sector due to the strong investment climate in Egypt, in addition to facilitating and simplifying procedures to increase the attraction of foreign direct investments.
He explained that The Company “Winvestor Investment” aims to expand the portfolio of projects in the coming period in East and west of Cairo, especially the New Administrative Capital, due to the huge investment components of this project in addition to the government support which providing all mechanisms to make it successful.
He stressed that the Egyptian real estate market has the basic elements to accommodate more outstanding real estate projects that the company seeks to develop in this market, to be strongly present in the coming period.

From his part, Hisham Ibrahim, Managing Director of Winvestor Investment and Real Estate Development Company, said the company is considering starting its investment in the New Administrative Capital, through the launch of a different real estate project in terms of product, construction, and modern systems.

He explained that the intense competition in the New Administrative Capital encouraged the company to study the market significantly to launch a different real estate product that will be a strong addition to the real estate market in Egypt.
Ibrahim also explained that the company has developed an investment plan commensurate with its strategy in the real estate market during the coming period and aims to expand with a package of new projects and attract investment opportunities in 4G cities such as the New Administrative Capital, New Cairo, New Alamein, the city of Jalala and Ain Sokhna.
The Managing Director added that the company’s orientation to the New Administrative Capital is a direct result of believing in the strength of this national project, which is expected to attract more Gulf investments and pump more foreign capital in addition to the volume of construction and projects implemented by the state to reflect the seriousness of the Egyptian government in the success of this huge project, pointing out that the real estate market has become one of the leading markets in the region and has competitive advantages that do not exist in the rest of the surrounding countries.

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