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Arma Soap and Detergents participates in “EGY BEAUTY EXPO” 2023

Aiming at increasing the export of a distinguished Egyptian product

Arma CEO: We aim to open new markets to support the Egyptian economy and attract foreign currency.
Arma exports 10% of its production and aims to reach 25% by 2025.
Arma adapts the latest technologies to provide products on the highest level.

Arma Soap and Detergents is proud to announce its participation in the fourth edition of EGY BEAUTY EXPO 2023, the premiere exhibition for cosmetics and perfumes. The expo is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry at the Egypt International Exhibition Centre, Hall 2, from May 13th to 15th.
“Arma’s participation is in line with our strategy to increase exports and open up new markets, supporting the Egyptian economy and attracting foreign currency” stated Eng. Mahfouz Ali Saeed, Managing Director, and Chief Executive Officer of Arma Soap and Detergents Company.
“We currently have the largest market share in Egypt and export 10% of our production, but we aim to increase the export rate to 25% by 2025″ added Eng. Mahfouz.
“Quality first is our motto; Arma Soap and Detergents is committed to adhering to international standards and local legislation, using the latest technology and smart solutions to cover both the local market and their exports to over 30 countries worldwide. The company’s team of over four thousand experts is considered the most important element in achieving comprehensive quality, and they are provided with up-to-date training programs to ensure the highest level of efficiency and professionalism” Explained Eng. Mahfouz.
Furthermore, Eng. Mahfouz clarified ” The company produces a wide range of products that meet the different needs of their customers, including self-care products such as powders and gels, with high-quality formulas that meet the needs of our consumers in terms of cleaning and preserving clothes under the brand “Oxi”, in addition to home care products such as multi-purpose detergents with advanced formulas, cleanliness and disinfection of homes are achieved, in addition to liquid hand washing products, shower gels and toilet soaps of high quality, which contain international and concentrated perfumes rich in glycerine and vitamins. Moreover, Arma Soap and Detergents apply the latest technologies to carry out cultural and operational transformations, making commercial and production processes more efficient and organized, improving work performance & quality, and developing more appropriate and compatible products and services.
Arma Soap and Detergents is a leading company and a subsidiary of the “MAS Management” group. Since 1992, the company has been at the forefront of the FMCG industry in Egypt and the MENA region. In 2005, the company expanded into the field of soap, detergents, and personal care. By 2009, the company launched home care products and in 2020, Arma Chemical Industries was established to localize the manufacturing of raw materials involved in the manufacture of industrial detergents and to present them as intermediate products used in the manufacture of detergents of all kinds.
The EGY Beauty Expo will feature more than 200 exhibiting companies from 20 countries, including international pavilions from China, Korea, and South Africa. The event will showcase the latest products and services in cosmetics, hair, and skincare, perfume, detergent products, chemicals, and packaging materials.


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