جريدة اخبارية شاملة
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رئيس التحرير طارق شلتوت
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for the twelve months ended 31 December 2022

Setting leading industry standards in Egypt through a continued commitment to economic, social and environmental excellence

Centamin (“Centamin” or “the Company”) has today released its 2022 Sustainability Report for the year ended 31 December 2022. Since inception, Centamin has been committed to meeting international standards of good practice across its sustainability priorities: governance, safety, health and wellbeing, energy and climate, materials stewardship, socio-economic partnership, people and transformation and environmental protection. The report highlights the Company’s ongoing progress against these areas and the positive impact from its investment in Egypt.

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Please find a link to the full report here: https://www.centamin.com/responsibility/

Commenting on the release of the report, CEO Martin Horgan said:

“The team at Centamin take pride in our responsible approach to mining, setting the benchmark for sustainability performance and good industry practice in Egypt. In my three years as CEO, the employees at Sukari have shown me how much potential this industry and company have to offer as a significant contributor and partner to the country’s socio-economic growth.

2022 was another year that saw ongoing investment by Centamin into Egypt. Centamin distributed US$830 million in economic value in Egypt, including through employment, training, infrastructure, investment in local communities, as well as government profit share and royalty payments. The vast majority of this value distribution remained in Egypt, not least through our partnership with the Egyptian government but also because 96% of our workforce are Egyptian nationals and 67% of procurement spend is with Egyptian suppliers. Prioritising Egyptian partners along our supply-chain has been the priority for me from day one as CEO and we have bold ambitions to improve this further and to ensure that Egyptians continue to benefit from our investment into the country.

We are acutely aware of our responsibility as an owner and operator of the Sukari mine and temporary custodians of the land. Our environmental programmes underpin this commitment. We have recently published our decarbonisation roadmap which sets ambitious near-term targets to reduce our emissions at our operations and alongside our broader stewardship programmes across water, land, air quality and biodiversity, we will continue to seek out the most effective way of minimising and mitigating our environmental impacts in and around Sukari.

Already, this has been a year of progress for our sustainability priorities and this will continue throughout the rest of 2023. Personally, I’m excited by the enthusiasm our people show day-in and day-out to progress our operations to ensure that Sukari is a leader in sustainability standards in country and around the world.”

Key Highlights:

Empowering & training a skilled, diverse and inclusive workforce

• 96% of the workforce in Egypt are nationals;
o Total workforce in Egypt of 4,480;
o 50% of the Sukari workforce are residents of the local Red Sea Governate and Upper Egypt regions;

• 75% of senior and middle management roles at Sukari are held by Egyptian nationals, an increase on 70% in 2021;
o Centamin has engaged a training organisation to provide leadership & management courses for in-country employees at Sukari;
o 9 employees successfully achieved a diploma level qualification;
o 38 completed a Certificate IV Level course;
o 49 employees attended supervisory development training;

• 34 women now employed at Sukari and the Eastern Desert Exploration blocks, 2 of whom are in management positions, with Centamin committed to increasing female representation;

• ‘Employee Development Pathway’ launched providing training & up-skilling opportunities for all employees;
o 84% of in-scope employees assessed with 58% progressing to a higher level of competency;
o 62% increase in total training per average employee at Sukari to 44.3 hours;

Driving widespread wealth and prosperity through mining in Egypt

• US$830 million in direct economic contributions to Egypt, the vast majority remaining in country;
o US$59 million in employee wages and benefits
o US$61 million in profit share, royalties, taxes and other payments to the Egyptian government

• 67% of total procurement spent in Egypt with domestic suppliers, sourcing local goods such as construction materials and light industrial hardware;
o 604 Egyptian suppliers provide goods to Centamin, an increase on 508 suppliers in 2021;

• $0.5m invested in local communities, supporting financially vulnerable families as well as local primary and secondary schools and rehabilitation clinics;

Setting leading mining environmental standards in Egypt

• 37% of water used at Sukari was re-used, a 5% increase on last year;

• Zero reported environmental incidents (level 4 and 5);

• 36MWDC solar plant successfully commissioned, using local partners to reduce carbon emissions at site;
o 265 jobs provided during the peak installation period;
o Partner Giza Systems has subsequently been awarded another major solar panel installation contract;

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